Saturday, March 14, 2009

Hot Reads: 5 Must See Links


You remember Joe Biden...

Evidently, they brought Joe Biden out of the media proof room they've been hiding him in, for a few moments, and as ABC News Jake Trapper reports, it didn't take long for him to say something inappropriate. Seems our new Vice President likes the "F-word" as much as our old Vice President. Who could forget the infamous footage of Dick Cheney dropping the F-bomb on the Senate floor? Some how I doubt the OLM will find Biden's gaffe (the 48th since taking office, by Trapper's count) to be as "newsworthy"....

Women of the Congo Speak Out

In this country we are told that the #1 problem facing Women is that Abortion on demand is not available. Reading the stories of the Women who survive in the Congo, make our issues in this country seem as trite as they really are. The article highlights a UN campaign to remove the taboo about speaking about sexual violence and rape in the war torn region, designed to encourage Women to tell their stories of survival, including one Woman that only lived through an attack on her family, because they thought she was Dead.

Katie Couric Wins Award for Palin interview?

No, not from the DNC directly, from another Media group, try to contain your surprise, but Ed Morrisey over at HotAir reported this morning that, "Katie Couric won USC Annenberg Norman Lear Center’s Walter Cronkite Award for her interview with Sarah Palin" (Editor's note: Every think you'd see all those names in the Same sentence?) According to the article Mr. Morrisey links to, "She was given the award for Special Achievement for National Impact on the 2008 Campaign." Oh, Katie Couric had an Impact on the Campaign alright, she Biased half of America against Sarah Palin. The only award the affable Eva Braun deserves for her interview with Governor Palin is for Best Editing....

Obama Rids Gitmo of Enemy Combatants, Whew!

The Pinkelephantpundit, Tabitha Hale wants you to know you can Relax, because there are No more enemy combatants, at least we're not allowed to call them that anymore. The Obama administration announced yesterday, that term would no longer be used to describe the "Detainees" (see how much better that sounds?) at Gitmo. I'm sure we don't want to hurt their self esteem....

Mr. Obama, Leave My Cheeseburger Alone
I have a feeling that my occasional craving for a Big Mac is about to become a Criminal offense. Obama announced in his weekly radio address: "Protecting the safety of our food and drugs is one of the most fundamental responsibilities government has," about creating his Food Safety Panel at the FDA. I know you are stunned, Obama has found a way to enlarge an already bloated government agency, but Dear Leader wants us to eat our Vegetables. I ask this all the time on Twitter, but What Doesn't Obama think is a "fundamental responsiblity of Government"? I think even Liberals should start to question The One, when they are no longer allowed their six dollar Lattes, because they contain too much caffeine...


Anonymous said...

I am only going to address the "cheeseburger" paragraph because it's all I have the energy for. What you said makes no sense at all. He's not regulating your diet - he is regulating the safety of our food. Have you ever known anyone with salmonella poisoning? I have and it's not pretty. The FDA has to much responsility and not enough authority. I wish we didn't need them but as the little peanut factory in GA showed us - greed was more important than safety.

Aside from that did you know weight loss and smoking cessation programs were tax deductible? Another silly tax credit to benefit those that are irresponsible with their health. Don't you have a problem with that? Maybe it is time for some tax credits to go away.

Just saying...

Biased Girl said...

Why is it that you so easily give up your Rights to your Government?

Do you honestly believe that it was necessary for Obama to create a "Panel on Food safety" inside the FDA? Isnt' that what the entire Organization is supposed to do? It is the Food and Drug Administration...

If you don't think the Gov't will take your Cheeseburger, you shouldn't plan any Trips to NY soon...I'm just saying..

How about this, Tax deductions are great, but if we didn't have all these over bloated Gov't Agencies, Our Taxes would be Lower to begin with...Tax Credits are smoke and mirrors...

Biased Girl said...

Obama's open to Taxing Health Benefits as well...this is a Hot Read for today, but thought it might be of interest to you...

Anonymous said...

This has nothing to do with giving up my rights. You don't even know how many people are on this panel based on the article you referenced. It could be 10 - 20 people - we have no idea. I don't see where that should be a problem for anybody. You have to start somewhere in order to overhaul a system that doesn't work. The FDA has a vital and important role. Is it overbloated? Sure. So why condemn a guy that is trying to create a way to make it more efficient and effective? Where would you start?

And I don't necessarily agree with the transfat restriction either but maybe it's a simple numbers issue - which is cheaper to the city, state, or feds? - managing health problems for the obese or eliminating transfats from our diets?

It takes a lot of money to fund our unhealthy ways. Whether it's in federally funded drug research for diabetes or heart disease, etc, the oversight of drug safety via the FDA, or indingent care at a state hospital it's expensive. So if Mayor Bloomberg wants to make NYC the healthiest place on earth... well whatever, he has to own up to the people of NYC not to me.