Even though Barack Obama won't be sworn into office for another two months, he's already started giving us a Preview of the wonders of The One's administration. On Friday at his first press conference since his "historic" victory, from behind his fake presidential seal adorned podium, Obama attempted to show leadership while insulting former First Lady, Nancy Reagan. The Media's president later apologized for his comments about doing a "seance" with Ronald Reagan's beloved wife, apparently he didn't realize that it wasn't appropriate for the President elect to openly mock an ailing Icon of our country. So much for that bipartisian nonsense he was blathering about late Tuesday night....
Honestly, that's fine with me. I'm not really in the mood for pretending anyway. I'd rather we just lay it all out on the table. Obama must agree because he has wasted No time in announcing that he will attempt to overturn around 200 executive orders signed by George W. Bush, mostly relating to expanding Abortion rights, increased Federal Funding for Stem Cell Research and 'climate change' initiatives according to the Washington Post. This should please his Evangelical supporters.....
While Obama is more than willing to announce his War on the Unborn to the world, he was less committed to our Allies in Europe. You remember those pesky Russians that invaded Georgia awhile back, well turns out now they've decided to put Missiles on the border of Poland. I'm sure the fact that the Russian's made this announcement the day after America selected the most liberal presidential candidate in history is just a coincidence, in fact the Russian President didn't even mention Obama by name. I'm sure that was just an over sight, he probably really respects and fears the Community organizer's tenacity. It really doesn't matter what the current President thinks anyway, as Vladimir Putin will be taking over the Office any day now.
Putin is going to use this momentary lapse of reason in American history to try and regain the land and power of the Former Soviet Union. What does Obama say about all of this? Well it depends on who you ask...Spokesman for the office of the president elect, (what is that by the way?)said that Obama had not "committed" to putting up the missile defense shield in Poland, the President of Poland upon hearing this replied, "That's Not what he Told me." I'm paraphrasing of course. But there you have it, Russia is threatening young democratic nations, and Obama can't decide what he's supposed to do. It's the same thing that happened after the Georgia invasion, and Obama's first inclination was to try and stay out of it. He did the same thing during the "Greatest Financial Crisis of our Time". He just stood on the sidelines and tried not to get his hands dirty. It's going to be an interesting four years, I should never run out of things to write about...
But Ironically enough, I first started this blog over a year ago, with an entry called "Spectator Nation". It's not very well written, but I wrote it because I was so disgusted with the lack of participation by Americans in their government. My frustration was that no one paid attention and that Congress got away with doing nothing but lining their own pockets. Here we are just 14 months later, after an election that people participated in record numbers, yet I am more concerned now than I was then. My whole fear when writing that orginial article was that people weren't paying attention, the results of the Election do not change my opinion, in fact I consider it confirmation. Again I recommend a great movie called "Idiocracy" for referrence to the effects of repetive marketing campaigns on us as a People. For those of you who've seen it..."Obama's made of electrolites!" America elected a president in much the same way they pick a winner of American Idol, they liked the way he made them "feel". Well, now we're all going to 'feel it'.
To quote Sean Hannity, "Now more than ever.." we need to keep an eye on our Governement. We cannot afford to be complacent. We need to be Good Citizens of our Constitution, and challenge our Govenrment to represent us as we see fit. As promised I've added the Get Involved Section on the Right Side Bar, I will also be adding a petition section as need be, several are currently being drafted about the Fairness Act and the funding of our Troops. If you have an organization or a petition that you would like to share, please send it to me through the comment section and I will add it to the list. We are now the Opposition Party, it is our Duty to behave as such when the Enemies of democracy are emboldened by America's selection of an appeasement President. In the words of Margaret Thatcher, Americans, "Don't go wobbly on me now."