I know this will come as a Shock to some of you, but our President's full name is: Barack Hussein Obama. Yep, no need to abbreviate anymore, he has embraced his Middle name along with Muslim heritage and I guess that means we can too. Now.
As you may recall during the election, starting really in the Primaries it became a Huge issue to even say his middle name: Hussein. To the point where John McCain felt the need to tell everyone that it was inappropriate for Anyone to use it. Some went even further to suggest that saying Candidate Obama's middle name was "Hate Speech" Karl Rove, the Machiavellian architect was even reported to be on that bandwagon.
The Atlantic reported in February of 2008:
Rove said that the use of "Barack Hussein Obama" would perpetuate the notion that Republicans were bigoted and would hurt the party.
During the campaign, Obama even addressed the "Muslim" issue on his Fight The Smears website.
The Left wing so called "media watchdog", Media Matters covered the story at length in their article "Myths and Falsehoods about Barack Obama":
Evidence of its impact came on the February 9 edition of MSNBC's Hardball, when host Chris Matthews previewed Obama's official announcement, which occurred the next day in Springfield, Illinois, that he would seek the Democratic presidential nomination. Matthews hosted James Warren, Chicago Tribune managing editor for features, and Lynn Sweet, Chicago Sun-Times Washington bureau chief. Warren cited "the B.S. story about the, you know, the Muslim school in Indonesia," as "the sort of thing that is going to hit [Obama] and ... that could conceivably stymie him." Warren added that he has "run into folks who have bought into that total, absolute B.S."
Those of us who dared to reference Obama's own book, Dreams from my Father, where Obama wrote of his two years in a Muslim school, were deemed "Fearmongers" and "Bigots"....
Now all that has, ahem... Changed.
Jake Trapper at ABC.com reports:
During a conference call in preparation for President Obama's trip to Cairo, Egypt, where he will address the Muslim world, deputy National Security Adviser for Strategic Communications Denis McDonough said "the President himself experienced Islam on three continents before he was able to -- or before he's been able to visit, really, the heart of the Islamic world -- you know, growing up in Indonesia, having a Muslim father -- obviously Muslim Americans (are) a key part of Illinois and Chicago."
Wait a minute? Obama's father Barack Hussein Obama, Sr was a Muslim? That's not what Obama said during the campaign...
From the ABC article:
The candidate's comment at a Boca Raton, Florida, town
hall meeting on May 22, 2008, was typical: "My father
was basically agnostic, as far as I can tell, and I didn't
know him," he said.
The GatewayPundit call this turn around, Sick. More like Sickening.
Candidate Obama claimed to be a Christian, but President Obama has said that the United States is "not a Christian nation", but instead one of the "largest Muslim nations in the world" and could be seen as a "Muslim Nation".
So Obama's got Muslim roots as the saying goes..Not that there is anything wrong with that. However since Barack Hussein Obama spent the entire campaign trying to cover up that fact, I do have a problem with it. If Obama had openly discussed his family tree and youth spent in Indonesia, not to mention that visit to Pakistan in 1981, and America voted for him anyway, that would be One thing. But He didn't. In fact Candidate Obama spent more time, attacking those that dare raise the questions, than He did answering them. Yet, now President Obama is reclaiming his Muslim roots as a way to curry favor in the Middle East.
As I tweeted out this morning: "In Advertising they have a name for what Obama has done: Bait and Switch".