Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Barack Hussein Obama: The Big Bait and Switch

I know this will come as a Shock to some of you, but our President's full name is: Barack Hussein Obama. Yep, no need to abbreviate anymore, he has embraced his Middle name along with Muslim heritage and I guess that means we can too. Now.

As you may recall during the election, starting really in the Primaries it became a Huge issue to even say his middle name: Hussein. To the point where John McCain felt the need to tell everyone that it was inappropriate for Anyone to use it. Some went even further to suggest that saying Candidate Obama's middle name was "Hate Speech" Karl Rove, the Machiavellian architect was even reported to be on that bandwagon.

The Atlantic reported in February of 2008:
Rove said that the use of "Barack Hussein Obama" would perpetuate the notion that Republicans were bigoted and would hurt the party.

During the campaign, Obama even addressed the "Muslim" issue on his Fight The Smears website.

The Left wing so called "media watchdog", Media Matters covered the story at length in their article "Myths and Falsehoods about Barack Obama":

Evidence of its impact came on the February 9 edition of MSNBC's Hardball, when host Chris Matthews previewed Obama's official announcement, which occurred the next day in Springfield, Illinois, that he would seek the Democratic presidential nomination. Matthews hosted James Warren, Chicago Tribune managing editor for features, and Lynn Sweet, Chicago Sun-Times Washington bureau chief. Warren cited "the B.S. story about the, you know, the Muslim school in Indonesia," as "the sort of thing that is going to hit [Obama] and ... that could conceivably stymie him." Warren added that he has "run into folks who have bought into that total, absolute B.S."

Those of us who dared to reference Obama's own book, Dreams from my Father, where Obama wrote of his two years in a Muslim school, were deemed "Fearmongers" and "Bigots"....

Now all that has, ahem... Changed.

Jake Trapper at reports
During a conference call in preparation for President Obama's trip to Cairo, Egypt, where he will address the Muslim world, deputy National Security Adviser for Strategic Communications Denis McDonough said "the President himself experienced Islam on three continents before he was able to -- or before he's been able to visit, really, the heart of the Islamic world -- you know, growing up in Indonesia, having a Muslim father -- obviously Muslim Americans (are) a key part of Illinois and Chicago."

Wait a minute? Obama's father Barack Hussein Obama, Sr was a Muslim? That's not what Obama said during the campaign...

From the ABC article:

The candidate's comment at a Boca Raton, Florida, town
hall meeting on May 22, 2008, was typical: "My father
was basically agnostic, as far as I can tell, and I didn't
know him," he said.

The GatewayPundit call this turn around, Sick
. More like Sickening.

Candidate Obama claimed to be a Christian, but President Obama has said that the United States is "not a Christian nation", but instead one of the "largest Muslim nations in the world" and could be seen as a "Muslim Nation".

So Obama's got Muslim roots as the saying goes..Not that there is anything wrong with that. However since Barack Hussein Obama spent the entire campaign trying to cover up that fact, I do have a problem with it. If Obama had openly discussed his family tree and youth spent in Indonesia, not to mention that visit to Pakistan in 1981, and America voted for him anyway, that would be One thing. But He didn't. In fact Candidate Obama spent more time, attacking those that dare raise the questions, than He did answering them. Yet, now President Obama is reclaiming his Muslim roots as a way to curry favor in the Middle East.

As I tweeted out this morning: "In Advertising they have a name for what Obama has done: Bait and Switch".

Sunday, May 31, 2009

In America, "Impossible is Nothing"~Cadet Col. Adnan Barqawi

As you know I was front and center at the Republican Party of Virginia Convention this weekend. While I went in with limited expectations, I found myself rejuvenated in my fellow citizens and my Party, but nothing inspired me as much as a speech that was given late on Saturday afternoon, by a speaker whose name I had never heard before.

It was at least a thousand degrees in the Coliseum by 3 o'clock, and we were awaiting the results of the first round of voting, we had heard from everyone that had ever held a title in the Commonwealth. People were tired, hot and weary for the wear, but then a young man took the stage and in just 16 minutes he inspired those previously too exhausted to even go buy a $4 water, to leap to their feet and remain standing for most of his speech.

I am proud to say I was one of them, standing, clapping and admittedly crying as Cadet Colonel Adnan Barqawi shared his story of a young Palestinian boy raised in Kuwait, a man without a country, to his journey to Virginia Tech where he became commander of the Corps of Cadets at Virginia Tech then on April 17th of this year, he became an American citizen. A Man without a Country no longer...Cadet Col. Barqawi reminded all those within the sound of his voice.. that in America "Impossible is Nothing".

Part 1:

Part 2:

Special Thanks to Rick Sincere for sharing his video of this amazing moment....

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Sean Hannity at #RPVC09

Sean Hannity entered to his signature tune...Independence Day by Martina McBride..."Let Freedom Ring..."

Bring on the Red meat! He's been talking for two minutes, and has already mentioned the teleprompter and Nancy Pelosi. I don't care what Liberals say, Conservatives are much funnier. Mostly because we are Clever, not mean.

"After five months of Barack Obama, Princess Pelosi and Prince's Time for Change Virginia" I almost spit my coffee out on that one, the crowd clearly appreciated it too...

This capacity crowd is eating up the laundry list of things that Obama has done, that if George W Bush had done...well you know...Scareforce One, the "Austrian language", the ipod filled with get the idea...

Sean is honoring my favorite president, Ronald Reagan pulling from his "Rendevous with Destiny" speech given in 1980. It always amazes me how Reagan's words are timeless, but it's because they are rooted in Conservative Principles which do Not Change with Time.

I think I just heard Hannity take partial credit for Hilary's defeat. I know I just heard him say that Terry "Carpetbagger" Mc was watching every minute of this convention....

Which reminds me, What are Terry Mc's qualifications to be Governor again? I mean I know the Clintons owe him a favor, but really? He did such a bang up job at the DNC, when he was chair they ran John Kerry remember...Nice work. But as I've said it seems he thinks he and part time Gov. Tim Kaine can just switch postions...

I hope and pray that Virginia doesn't allow our Commonwealth to be sold to the Democrats....Time to take a Stand Virginia....

Hannity brings it home...and 10,000 of my closest friends agree...We can be that shining city on a Hill....

And He's out...the crowd is jumping...signs everywhere....dancing and singing..."Let Freedom Ring...Let the whole world see...this is the day of Reckoning.."

Let Not Your Hearts be Troubled....

Bob McDonnell at #RPVC09

Jeanine McDonnell is doing the final Introductions for her Dad, talk about a Daddy's girl, went to Notre Dame on an ROTC scholarship, and was called to serve in Iraq, during her Dad's campaign for Attorney General....She is awesome. Note to Meghan McCain: "This is how it's done." When can we get Jeanine out on the campaign trail?

As Bob McDonnell took the stage, it was as though Elvis himself had 'entered the building'...thousands on their feet, cheering and chanting "Go, Bob Go!", as CCR blared through the can literally feel the excitement....

McDonnell: "I will uphold the highest ideals of the party of Lincoln and Reagan", ah it's music to my ears....

For all those that want to live the American dream, this campaign is for you, this campaign is about you...

Bob McDonnell just hit the heart of this campaign, Energy and Jobs. Get this, he actually has a "Plan", not just some empty promises...including making Virginia the first off shore oil producing state on the East Coast. He wants to create an environment where companies want to relocate to Virginia...Novel idea I know...but after two terms of Mark Warner and his lacky Tim Kaine, Virginians need to be reminded that it can actually happen....

What?! McDonnell is talking about specific plans to improve transportation issues here in the Commonwealth...he even named route numbers and again said he sees the need for a partnership between Public and Private efforts to get it done, forgive me for my shock, but we've been hearing that we need Raise taxes and continue to pay the Car Tax to pay for 'better roads" for 8 years, still have crappy roads and I still have to pay $1.50 in Tolls just to drive into the city....Sounds like Bob knows that Virginians want more from their Governor, than they've been getting....

"Values Matter, Character Counts"~Bob McDonnell

Off the issues into the Principles...McDonnell says he draws from his faith in god, and knows that we can achieve anything if we work together and don't care who gets the Credit.

"We need a leader who will put the people first.." "I will be that Leader"
You know what, Bob? I believe you.

I will tell you, Bob has got this crowd perched waiting to vote for him. He is the Real Deal.

Go! Bob! Go!!

Waiting for the Main event at #RPVC09

Just heard one of the finest renditions of the Star Spangled Banner, I've ever heard. Those boys from UVA can really sing! Warms the heart...everytime.

The stage lighting is amazing, all of my favorite colors: Red, White and Blue.

Bill Bolling, steps out to introduce Bob McDonnell and gets a rock star welcome befitting the stage he is standing say the crowd is fired up would be a huge understatement. Nothing's really even happened yet, and they've exploded in Cheers by my count five times already....

Bolling brings up the point that now is the time for all Republicans to work together...time to put Egos aside and do what is best for Virginia and the Country...

Bolling "We need to give people a reason to Believe in Our Party"....AMEN!!

An old friend of Bob McDonnell's, from Williamsburg, is doing the actual introduction apparently, learning a lot more about the next Governor of VA....makes me like him even more...

Another friend of McDonnell took the stage to let us know that Bob graduated from Notre Dame, where he attended on an ROTC scholarship, he served in the Military for over 20 years....

Now one of his Deputies in the office of AG, has taken the stage to Remind everyone what a great Attorney General Bob McDonnell has been....

Just heard from the father of HT2 Clodfelter, who was killed during the bombing of the USS Cole. He held on tight to his tears as he told of what Bob McDonnell did to honor his Son, as he finished the crowd gave him a heart felt standing ovation, and I must tell you I'm holding back the tears of my own, as the crowd erupted in chants of USA! USA! USA!

More From the RPV Convention #RPVC09

Morning! From the RPV Convention floor, had a few tech issues late yesterday and early this morning so I didn't get to do any updates....

Last night was awesome. As I said yesterday this is my first ever Convention so I didn't really know what to expect, but after the 'Opening ceremonies', there were events held throughout the night, including a gala featuring keynote speaker Mitt Romney.

Later, I traversed the many Hospitality suites with a little group of new friends comprised of Bloggers and first time delegates, and met lots of interesting and surprisingly fun people.

I wish that others could see the GOP that I see, one that is made up of many individuals, not a group that can be defined by any one stereotype. We are clearly a party in transistion, and that is evident from the wide variety of delegates as well as the focus on New Media at the Convention.

Now the folks are filtering in from around the state, there is certainly that cliched 'Buzz' in the air as everyone awaits the Guest speaker Sean Hannity and the voting to follow this afternoon.

There is a definite sense of community here, that I'm happy I was able to witness, as the thousands move into the coliseum, people are still finding time to stop and chat with friends old and new. The Positive energy in the room is palpable.

Bob McDonnell will be giving the opening remarks before Mr. Hannity speaks and to this crowd, it would be a toss up as to which they are Waiting to hear from more....McDonnell is a bit of a Rock star here in Virginia and I for one can't wait until he is our Governor, I have no doubt he'll consider it a full Time job, unlike his predecessor, Tim Kaine.

It's about to begin.....

Friday, May 29, 2009

Blogging at the Republican Party of VA Convention

I have to tell you, I'm a little excited. I've never been to one of these before, but it definitely feels good to be a part of this...the Republican Party of VA Convention.

As I've been saying since the beginning of the year, 2009 is the Year to "Get Involved", we can't afford to wait any longer, and that is what I'm trying to do. I'm also heartened by the fact that over 10,000 other Virginians have choosen to do the same thing. You see last year, just over 3,000 delegates attended the convention, this year the number is 3.5 Times that. I guess my fellow Virginians have decided it's time to get involved too...

What's cool about the room I am currently sitting in, is that it's filled with Men, Women, and even a few kids that are from all ethnic and I'm guessing financial backgrounds. It certainly doesn't look like a 'stereo-typical' Republican gathering. This pleases me greatly.

Just a few minutes ago, the Convention was opened with the presenting of the flag, the singing of the National Anthem followed by the pledge of alligance. I know I'm a big ol' sap, but I still get choked up everytime I hear it. As part of the opening ceremonies, the following Creed was read:

Republican Party of Virginia Creed

We Believe:

That the free enterprise system is the most productive supplier of human needs and economic justice,

That all individuals are entitled to equal rights, justice, and opportunities and should assume their responsibilities as citizens in a free society,

That fiscal responsibility and budgetary restraints must be exercised at all levels of government,

That the Federal Government must preserve individual liberty by observing Constitutional limitations,

That peace is best preserved through a strong national defense,

That faith in God, as recognized by our Founding Fathers is essential to the moral fiber of the Nation.


Okay, so no one actually said "Amen", but I certainly felt it in my heart. It also pained me a bit, as I wish those that were Representing us in Washington and in Richmond, read that Creed daily and vowed to uphold in Not just in Word, but in Deeds as well...

The RPV has gone out of their way to invite and encourage Bloggers like me to participate in this weekend's events. They've got a great little section set up for us called "Bloggers' Row" and they've got their own Twitter Hash tag #RPVC09 if you'd like to follow tweets from the Convention.

I'll keep you posted....

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

ObamaCare: Insanity at the Highest Levels of Government

It's an oldie but a goodie. The Nine scariest words in the English Language: "I'm from the Government and I'm Hear to Help". Our dear leader, President Barack Obama just can't seem to stop saying it. Apparently he's never heard the "scariest words in the English language part".

So far he's expanded the Role of Government in the Auto Industry, the Banking industry, the Mortgage industry and Now he's got his sites set on Health Care. The President's socialist, yeah I said it, Socialist agenda will include as Promised: ObamaCare with a price tag of $1.5 Trillion in New spending.

How does Obama plan to pay for all of this? You, silly. Now don't expect him to come right out and Say "You", instead he will discuss those that "Have" needing to help out those who "Have NOT". Let me explain something to you, if you have a Job, you are a "Have" in this scenario. Oh so you don't think you are a "Have" because you're currently struggling to make ends meet yourself, Too Bad. Tell it to Obama. He's got Big plans for YOUR money.

See his Obamacare will be funded through higher taxes on Soda, Booze and oh yeah Health Care. Remember those attack ads Obama ran just prior to the election mischaracterizing John McCain's plan to "Tax your Health Benefits" calling it the "the largest Middle class Tax Hike ever", it seems Obama has decided it wasn't such a bad idea after all, he just prefers a more direct approach. Instead offering the "Tax Credits" suggested by McCain, Obama is going to Tax you directly. Yep, More money coming out of your Paycheck, Can't you just feel the Change?

If you are currently employed and have health insurance, Obama wants to Tax your benefits to help cover those 'less fortunate'. Never mind all that you have to do to earn your Health benefits, you know like going to work and spending time away from your family, these people are Americans therefore, they Deserve Health Care and you are going to Pay for it. Whether you like it or not. Got it?

Rich Lowry explain it this way, in an op-ed in the New York Post:

The casual listener could be forgiven for thinking that Obama's passion is for reducing spending, not raising it, and for working with the private health-care industry cooperatively rather than over regulating it or supplanting it.

The groups' letter lends a superficial plausibility to the argument of backers of Obama-style reform that covering more people is consistent with painlessly cutting costs. The argument goes that, currently, the costs of providing health care to the uninsured are shifted onto everyone else.

Yes, but it's a tiny effect. A study in the journal Health Affairs found that this phenomenon accounted for at most a 1.7 percent increase in insurance premiums. Nor does more preventive care or health information technology -- a couple of Obama's favorite talking points when touting cost reduction -- produce miraculous, or any, savings, according to the Congressional Budget Office.

Massachusetts enacted a health-care reform in 2006 that included an individual mandate to buy insurance, exactly on the theory that it would save money by ending cost shifting. Instead, costs have exploded. Public spending on health care has jumped 42 percent since 2006. At risk of becoming the Iceland of health-care reform, the state is scrambling to avoid getting bankrupted by its cost-saving program.

Nationally, the most significant cost-shifting is arguably the product of Medicare, which pays doctors and hospitals preset fees per procedure, and so encourages overuse of resources and prevents the emergence of meaningful prices in health care. The program overpays for some services, underpays for others and spreads gross inefficiency throughout the system. It is also a fiscal basket case, sporting an $86 trillion unfunded liability.

This is why it's so perverse for Obama to suggest the creation of a "Medicare for all" program as salve to our health-care system. This is sold as a "public option" that people can choose only if they want it. As a practical matter, government will stack the deck in favor of its option to the detriment of private insurance. Businesses will be happy to dump their employees into the public system.

Ironically, Obama's state of Birth, Hawaii, has already tried "Universal Health Care" and it lasted all of Seven Months before they pulled the plug... Why was it such an Epic Fail?

Gov. Linda Lingle's administration cited budget shortfalls and other available health care options for eliminating funding for the program. A state official said families were dropping private coverage so their children would be eligible for the subsidized plan.

"People who were already able to afford health care began to stop paying for it so they could get it for free," said Dr. Kenny Fink, the administrator for Med-QUEST at the Department of Human Services. "I don't believe that was the intent of the program."

After just Seven months the State realized something that should have been evident to any rational thinking person from the Start: People don't want to pay for their Health care, while watching their Neighbors get it for "Free". It deincentivizes people who would normally work and pay their own way. Which is why the programs have failed every time they have been tried.

Even supporters of ObamaCare are forced to admit that it's going to Cost a significant amount up front, but insist that it will Work despite all the evidence to the contrary....

“Reforming the system will likely require an upfront investment, but I’m confident it will pay dividends in the future for our health, our economic competitiveness, and our federal budget,” Finance Chairman Max Baucus (D-Mont.) said in a statement. “The bottom line is that we can’t afford not to act. Without health care reform, health care spending will reach $4.4 trillion by 2018. These policies lay out a wide variety of options for making that investment.”

Read more:

"We can't afford Not to Act"...Hmm, where have I heard that before? Oh I remember just before they passed all those Spending Bills they didn't take the time to Read and we all know how that is turning out....

In an article for, Sen. Jim DeMint outlines the Problem with Government entering and taking over a Market:

The most comprehensive and reliable study of the public option, conducted by the Lewin Group, concluded that once the government enters the market, businesses will simply stop covering their employees. Whatever penalty fees they have to pay will be far less than the costs of insuring their employees.

The Lewin study estimated that of the 130 million Americans likely to enroll in the public option, 118 million will do so after losing their employer-sponsored plans. Add those 130 million to the 100 million now covered by Medicare, Medicaid, and other government programs, and we will have three-quarters of the American people dependent on the government for their medical care

This isn't complicated stuff folks. As the organization, Conservatives for Patients Rights, points out "Any serious discussion of health care reform that does not include choice, competition, accountability and responsibility — the four "pillars" of patients' rights — will result in our government truly becoming a "nanny-state," making decisions based on what is best for society and government rather than individuals deciding what is best for each of us."

ObamaCare ignores all of those Four 'Pillars' instead, backing the Nanny state alternative. There's another saying that comes to mind "the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results", well We know that Government sponsored health care hasn't worked Ever, yet Congress plans to pass it anyway, Talk about Insanity! In fact Speaker of the House, not to be confused with "Liar of the House" a title she also holds, Nancy Pelosi,is hoping to shove this down our throats by the end of July. It seems to me that We The People can't Afford Not To Act, We need to Tell Congress, "Vote NO On ObamaCare" before we are all forced to Endure this "Help" from the Government.

In the immortal words of Susan Powder, America, "Stop the Insanity!" Contact Your Congressional Representatives Now!

Saturday, May 9, 2009

From Cosmo Conservatives to Freedom Republicans, We Need To Represent.

I had the most interesting exchange with a dear friend yesterday, one that gave me real "Hope" for the future of our Country. Now as I've said before many of my friends have little or no interest in 'Politics' or what they call "The News", this person falls squarely in that category. Because she is such a Good Friend, however she expresses interest in the things that I'm involved in, such as the Tea Party. Since she had been out of the country during the big Protest, she wanted to know how it went. As I bubbled with enthusiasm, spilling out the details, on my pride in my country, about the success and joy of seeing around 5000 of my fellow citizens, standing out in the Rain and holding signs, she started looking more and more perplexed...

First she asked, Now what exactly were you protesting again...and I explained that We were protesting our Government's wasteful spending, high taxation and Demanding that they return to Fiscal Responsibility. Upon hearing this, she began nodding but continued to look inquisitive. Finally, she asked with just a hint of trepidation, "You're a Republican, aren't you?" I could tell my answer was being anticipated, so I responded: "Yep, The Conservative kind." God bless her, she respects our friendship enough to try and mask her shock, it was clear that even through her limited access to political speak, my dear friend has been taught that "Conservative" is a dirty word.

Her follow up question, rendered the consequent exchange, which put a fine point on the problem we Conservatives face:

Her: Really, You are a Conservative?

Me: Yes I consider myself to be very Politically Conservative

Her: (Looking confused) I kinda picture Conservatives as

Me: Amish?

Her: Um, Yes.

So there you have it, in the mind of the average American, Conservatives are equivalent to those that choose to live without electricity, cars, and store bought clothing.

Now a little background, this wonderful woman and I have been friends for nearly 10 years. We've worked together, had countless lunches and personal conversations, yet I think she was truly Shocked to find out that She had a Real Live Conservative friend in her midst all this time, and never realized it. Why? Because I'm fooling everyone by having cable, Internet, driving my car to and fro and wearing skirts that are above the knee!! My addiction to both American Idol and Gossip Girl, has worked as a fantastic cover for my secret life!!

I took the opportunity to very briefly mention that my Conservatism was based in a belief in limited government, with a focus on individual rights. That my involvement with the Tea Party was a result of my disdain at our Government's wasteful spending and lack of connection with The People. I also told her that while pretty much all of the 'Religious Right' was Conservative, that not all 'Conservatives' are Religious. Having said that the two can exist in harmony inside the Republican party because, true Conservatism respects the Rights of all individuals to worship however they see fit.

She mused as she nodded, "yes, limited government is good, no one wants total government control...' and on the Religious comment"uh-huh that makes sense" She then looked right at me and said, "You know I don't follow this, but What is the big deal with Gay Marriage? Can't they just go to a Lawyer?" This cracked me up, one because She never I mean never brings up political topics, and two because I had just written my first Gay Marriage post ever, the day before, in which I suggest that "All the 'issues' brought up by Gay Marriage advocates, can be solved with a quick trip to a Lawyers office.."

At that very moment we began our Very First 'political' discussion about Gay Marriage of all things, where we realized we were both on the same side. Some that probably honestly surprised us both equally....

Interestingly enough, over at, I came across a link to an article by Matt Allen over at, called The Case for Cosmopolitan Conservatism. In it the the Author successfully makes the argument that Ronald Reagan, Jack Kemp and others were effective, while remaining Conservative, because they knew how to relate to all people thus making them, "Cosmopolitan Conservatives", not to be confused with Cocktail Party Republicans, which are another breed entirely.

Lewis credits this "Cosmopolitanism" as the secret to their Success and Popularity:

It's also interesting to note that politics was a second career for both Kemp and Reagan. They had both enjoyed successful, high-profile, careers before getting involved in the business of politics. This exposed them to people of different races, income levels, backgrounds, etc. Both were also involved with unions -- in the case of Reagan it was as head of the screen actor's guild and in the case of Kemp it was the AFL Players Association.

If you stop to think about it, some of the conservative movement's most effective advocates have been quite cosmopolitan. Charlton Heston, the acclaimed film star who marched with Dr. King and went on to lead the NRA, was a terrific conservative spokesman -- as was William F. Buckley, the enfant terrible of the conservative cause, who, though not a movie star or famous athlete, was a wealthy and erudite conservative who essentially lived like a movie star.

I'm not sure I'm so fond of the term "Cosmopolitan", primarily because that term sounds almost as dated as "Conservative", but the author makes a point. Conservatism is most successful, when Conservatives are able to communicate their message to the masses. I know Shocking Right? Effectively communicate a believable message and people respond to it, Who would have guessed?

The bottom line is that for too long Conservatives have allowed Liberals and their cheerleaders in the Media, to frame our Image in their own terms and definitions. If we are truly going to be successful in resurrecting the Conservative movement, we must take ownership of our Label, and begin reeducating America about what it really means to be a "Conservative".

A man who has yet to disappoint me, Sen. Jim DeMint (R-SC), has written a piece for the Wall Street Journal, that I consider a great start for both Conservatives and the Republican party as a whole:

Moderate and liberal Republicans who think a South Carolina conservative like me has too much influence are right! I don't want to make decisions for them. That's why I'm working to reduce Washington's grip on our lives and devolve power to the states, communities and individuals, so that Northeastern Republicans, Western Republicans, Southern Republicans, and Midwestern Republicans can define their own brands of Republicanism. It's the Democrats who want to impose a rigid, uniform agenda on all Americans. Freedom Republicanism is about choice -- in education, health care, energy and more. It's OK if those choices look different in South Carolina, Maine and California.

I like Senator DeMint's choice of the term Freedom Republicanism, simply because it highlights the real basis of Conservatism and the GOP: Individual Rights, Free Market Principles, Limited Government, all protected by strong National know Freedom. That's what we're really all about isn't it?

Now to be honest I wouldn't anymore refer to myself as a "Freedom Republican" anymore than a "Cosmopolitan Conservative", but I happen to find myself in both camps. Labels can be tricky that way....I personally feel like it's high time we peeled back the labels to find out what is really inside, and I think most Americans would be surprised to find out what category they might find themselves in....

Now back to that conversation with my friend...I don't know if my friend even voted in the last election, but I do know that after our conversation today, she's One person who is going to look at Conservatives and even Republicans differently than she ever would have before, so in my world that is a win. One Down, 60 Million to go.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Marriage is a Religous "Rite", Not a Constitutional "Right"

On this National Day of Prayer, I was inspired to write about what I see as the Largest issue facing Americans of all Religions: Legalization of Gay Marriage. The way I see it, Gay Marriage is just the most recent club that the Left has picked up to Bash Christians about the head. I don't think it has anything to do with "Gay Rights" or Discrimination, it's certainly not about "Love" which is why people are supposed to want to get married. All the 'issues' brought up by Gay Marriage advocates, can be solved with a quick trip to a Lawyers office...So What's the real story here?

Allow me to make myself Very Clear on this: I support the Rights of Gay Americans, 100% until of course they infringe on My Rights. If two people are lucky enough to find someone they Love and want to spend time with, Who am I to Judge? Sure Homosexuality is a Sin in all major religions, but so is Drinking, Smoking, and tons of other things that we do every day. Love the Sinner, Hate the Sin, remember?

In order to stave off the many comments I'm sure to receive about my classification of Homosexuality as a Sin, From the Big Three:

The Bible:
Leviticus 18:22 - "Do not lie with a man as one lies with a woman; that is detestable."

The Qu'ran: Sura 7:80-84: "And Lot, when he said to his people, 'Do ye approach an abomination which no one in all the world ever anticipated you in? Verily, ye approach men with lust rather than women- nay, ye are a people who exceed.'

The Torah: "You shall not lie with a man as one lies with a woman; it is abhorrent" (Leviticus 18:22).

Now let's move on, Shall we? I will refer to one of my favorite passages in the Bible on this one: Romans 3:23: "For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God" and let me follow with another favorite: "Judge not lest Ye be Judged" (Matthew 7:1) . So as for the matter of "Gayness", I'm not Judging. To quote Andrew Breitbart, "I’m - as the MTV generation says - “gay-friendly.”

In fact until recently I would have considered myself one of the biggest supporters of the gay community. But the Craziness following the Prop 8 vote out in California, and the more recent attacks on Miss California Carrie Prejean, by so called "Gay Activist" groups, has pushed me out of the Christian closet so to speak.

Let me begin by saying, I see Gay Marriage or the uber PC Same-Sex Marriage as a Separation of Church and State issue, because well it is. Marriage is a Religious Rite, not a Constitutional Right. Marriage is a sacrament that is taken very seriously by all Major religions, not just Christianity, as is often suggested. The "Legalization" of Gay marriage will open the flood gates for law suits claiming discrimination against Churches of all Faiths that refuse to 'Marry' same sex partners.

Don't believe me? It already happened in New Jersey in 2007, when a Lesbian couple was denied access, to a privately held Methodist retreat, where they wanted to hold their "civil union" ceremony, they filed discrimination charges against the Church. While I truly believe that most Americans would support "Civil Unions", I don't see how any American could support the Government forcing Churches to sanction "marriages" that completely go against their Faith.

Religion may not be as trendy as it once was, but over 85% of all Americans say they still subscribe to some form of it. Knowing that all major religions condemn Homosexuality as a Sin, Where will these "Same-Sex Marriages" take place? How many Churches will be sued, by gay couples dreaming of that Big Church Wedding? How many Churches will lose their Tax exempt status by refusing to perform these 'ceremonies'?

It only takes one lawsuit to change the fabric of our Nation and our culture...just as Griswold vs. Connecticut was set up to protect the rights of consenting adults to use contraception in 1956, that ruling was twisted and used as the basis of Roe V Wade, the Discrimination Law Suits being wielded by the Gay Community, could set in motion the destruction of Organized religion as we know it. While not all Americans consider themselves "Religious", it is a Constitutionally protected Right to practice the Religion of Our Choice, and Should not be infringed upon by anyone including, Gay Activist Groups.

Watching the endless coverage of Miss California being berated for stating that she believed Marriage was between a man and woman, conjured an interesting segue in my mind...

Everyone remembers the murders at Columbine, the senseless tragedy and the way the Nation watched in horror as the stories of what happened inside that day trickled out. One of the stories that has always stayed with me, was the story of the young girls in the Library. The Vile Gunmen had cornered several students, with their guns pointed they asked 17 year old Cassie Bernall, "Do you Believe in God?" The Young girl answered "Yes I do", and was promptly shot and killed in cold blood. Cassie was not the only young woman asked that Question on That Day. Rachel Scott, 17 was the first to hear those words, "Do You Believe in God?" just before she became the first victim of the Columbine killers, She also answered "Yes".

I often wondered if I would have had that courage. I pray that I would. I don't think President Obama has it. It's being widely reported that Obama is "under increasing pressure to engage in Gay issues", even though he clearly stated while campaigning that He believed Marriage should be between a Man and Woman, now he calls that ideal "Misguided".

Miss California may not have been at the end of a Gun Barrel when her faith was tested but she was on National Television, and she had to know that When Perez Hilton asked that question, her answer could cost her the Crown. She had the courage to answer Honestly, and for that she has my undying respect.

While losing a Beauty pageant is nothing compared to the loss suffered by these young women and their families of Littleton, Colorado, it did get me thinking. What makes those that are attacking Miss California any different from the Columbine Killers? From where I stand they just haven't picked up a Gun..... yet. They seem to share a belief system that allows them to Openly criticize, then name themselves, Judge and Jury to decide the Fate of those that disagree with them.

In my Opinion the "Gay Marriage" issue isn't about Marriage at all, it's barely about Gays, its about creating a weapon for the Left to use against Believers of all creeds. The attacks that followed the Prop 8 vote, sent a clear message. These Activists will destroy anyone and anything that disagrees with them. They've got their sites set on the Church, and it's forcing all Americans to answer the question: "Do You Believe in God?"

Friday, May 1, 2009

Friday Funny: History of Liberals and Conservatives

I got this in an e-mail today, and I can't stop giggling every time I think about it, so I had to share it...I have no idea where it originated, but if anyone does, please send me the info so I can properly give credit....Enjoy!

History 101 (Crash course)

For those that don't know about history ... Here is a condensed version:

Humans originally existed as members of small bands of nomadic hunters -gatherers. They lived on deer in the mountains during the summer and would go to the coast and live on fish and lobster in the winter.

The two most important events in all of history were the invention of beer and the invention of the wheel. The wheel was invented to get man to the beer. These were the foundation of modern civilization and together were the catalyst for the splitting of humanity into two distinct subgroups:

1. Liberals

2. Conservatives

Once beer was discovered, it required grain and that was the beginning of agriculture. Neither the glass bottle nor aluminum can were invented yet, so while our early humans were sitting around waiting for them to be invented, they just stayed close to the brewery. That's how villages were formed.

Some men spent their days tracking and killing animals to B-B-Q at night while they were drinking beer. This was the beginning of what is known as the Conservative movement.

Other men who were weaker and less skilled at hunting learned to live off the conservatives by showing up for the nightly B-B-Q's and doing the sewing, fetching, and hair dressing. This was the beginning of the Liberal movement.

Some of these liberal men eventually evolved into women. The rest became known as girlie-men. Some noteworthy liberal achievements include the domestication of cats, the invention of group therapy, group hugs, and the concept of Democratic voting to decide how to divide the meat and beer that conservatives provided.

Over the years conservatives came to be symbolized by the largest, most powerful land animal on earth, the elephant. Liberals are symbolized by the jackass.

Modern liberals like imported beer (with lime added), but most prefer white wine or imported bottled water. They eat raw fish but like their beef well done. Sushi, tofu, and French food are standard liberal fare. Another interesting evolutionary side note: most of their women have higher testosterone levels than their men. Most social workers, personal injury attorneys, journalists, dreamers in Hollywood, and group therapists are liberals. Liberals invented the designated hitter rule because it wasn't fair to make the pitcher also bat.

Conservatives drink domestic beer, mostly Bud. They eat red meat and still provide for their women. Conservatives are big-game hunters, rodeo cowboys, lumberjacks, construction workers, firemen, medical doctors, police officers, corporate executives, athletes, members of the military, airline pilots and generally anyone who works productively. Conservatives who own companies hire other conservatives who want to work for a living.

Liberals produce little or nothing. They like to govern the producers and decide what to do with the production. Liberals believe Europeans are more enlightened than Americans. That is why most of the liberals remained in Europe when conservatives were coming to America . They crept in after the Wild West was tamed and created a business of trying to get more for nothing.

Here ends today's lesson in world history:

It should be noted that a Liberal may have a momentary urge to angrily respond to the above before forwarding it.

A Conservative will simply laugh and be so convinced of the absolute truth of this history that it will be forwarded immediately to other true believers and to more liberals just to tick them off.

And there you have it. Let your next action reveal your true self

What does it say about me, when I post it on my blog? ;-) Have a Great Weekend!!


Tuesday, April 14, 2009

I Was Born To Tea Party!! (Why I joined the Movement)

On the eve of the birth of a what I believe could be the start of a new American Revolution, I thought I might share a little with you about why I joined the Tea Party Movement. For me I think I've always been a 'Tea Party Patriot', I just didn't know it. You see long before I ever entered the big bad world of Blogging, I would sit around and annoy my friends with political conversations, which often ended up with me first explaining the topic, as most of my friends pay about as much attention to the "News" as I pay to NBA standings...

My sister and I on the other hand can go on for hours on either Politics or Football, and long ago dicussed that the only way to get any attention to your cause was to "Tie yourself to something", we were inspired by some Toon who had chained themselves to a Strip Club door in Daytona Beach. We of course found out about said Toon, because it was covered on Three cable news stations...

The subject came up again later when the much maligned Car Tax was left in place, by then Full Time Governor Tim Kaine, using the stock campaign line retraction, "Oh what I said about the Repealling the Car Tax? Yea, that's not going to happen." We in the Commonwealth are Taxed To Death, and yet we can't even get a small reprieve on an annual Tax on the "Blue Book Value" of your car. Every year that you own the car, and sometimes in years that you don't, but that is a story for another day.. I was saying, Protests came up again, This time we were trying to figure out a way to Toss a Car in the James River without causing the Enviromentalists to Hunt us down and kill us. We were unable to come up with a viable solution, but the thought behind it remained the same. You have to do something different, Newsworthy to get any attention to your cause, and to do so requires some Personal sacrifice and motivation, something most of us are just to busy or too afraid to do.

Almost two years ago now, one of my patient friends that is primarily a-political but humors me, suggested that I start a blog. He indicated I clearly had something to say. I just assumed he was trying to end the conversation, until the next day, when he e-mailed me the link to I thought, I might as well check it out. That day I wrote my very first Blog, called it "Spectator Nation"

Some Excerpts and some proof that I was born to Tea Party:

This nation was founded on the principle that the congress was to represent the will of the people, not as is happening now that the people were to conform to the wills of the congress...

....Part of the problem clearly lies in the lap of the American people. We used to be a people with willing to question authority, educate ourselves on the issues...

As long as we continue to sit on the sidelines, can we really complain that no one is getting the job done?

You can read the entire blog here.

I wrote this on September 18, 2007. (So take that, all you, "Hey where were you during the last eight years?", crowd!)

It was another full year before I ever logged into Blogspot again, but I had taken the first tiny step. That's kind of what tomorrow is about everyone taking a tiny step, but taking it together. The journey of a 1000 miles begins with one step Right? Well we've got 11 Trillion "Miles" to go and counting, so it's time we Get to Steppin'.

Which is what I did next. I started blogging fairly regularing and participated in the On-line Tea Party. Something stirred in me, and I knew it was time to step out from behind the computer, into real life action. When the idea was suggested that Tax Day was a perfect date for a Tea party, I couldn't wait to get involved. A Tax Payers Revolt over Wasteful Goverment Spending, Where do I sign Up?! (I know some of you might think that last line is a joke, I assure you it is not.) After just a few e-mails I had joined up with a handful of like-minded individuals and we started planning the Richmond Tea Party.

At first there were four of us, then five, then six and it just kept growing. We held our 'meetings' via e-mail, assigning tasks and responsiblities. We did eventually meet face to face a few weeks ago, and it was great to see and in some cases hear these folks for the first time. This was the most "political" thing any of us had ever done, so I don't think any of us knew exactly what to expect.

As the saying goes go, Where there is a Will, There is a Way, and the one thing our little rag tag group was not lacking it was Will. After working with these individuals and talking with many others from across the country, my heart swells with Pride that all is Not lost: There are still Americans who understand the responsiblity, that We The People have to each other and to future generations.

I hope that the events being held throughout the country tomorrow, will be seen as a kick off, not a culminating event. My greatest wish is that all who attend Tea Parties, will leave as inspired as I have become. It is my prayer for our Nation, that those attending will head home with a plan to get more involved in their Goverment on the local, state and national level. The Tea Party Movement is a reminder that we are still a Government of The People, by The People, and We The People are Tired of being a "Spectator Nation", We The People are getting into the Game. Tomorrow we take that first tiny step, and We Take it Together.

And I'll leave you with a quote from a Facebook friend, "Make a Plan, Not Excuses", go the Tea Party near you, and Let Your Voice Be Heard.

Find a Tea Party in Your Area at

If you are in My area...See you there!

The Richmond Tax Day Tea Party

April 15th at 6pm at Kanawha Plaza in the shadow of the Federal Reserve Building

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Another One of Obama's Lunatic Ideas

You know it's bad when I start using a Taliban spokesman as a point of reference. Let me explain, I've been rolling ideas around in my head for a couple of days, it has been awhile since my last entry, (Thanks to everyone for their condolences and prayers over the past few weeks) and I wanted to get back at the keyboard again but I was struggling for inspiration. Then like a bolt of Lightening it came through my e-mail...

The headline on Yahoo News: U.S. reconciliation offer "lunatic": Taliban spokesman

From Reuters via Yahoo News!

"This matter was also raised in the past," said Taliban spokesman Zabihullah Mujahid, referring to comments last month by Obama, who spoke of reaching out to moderate Taliban.

"They have to go and find the moderate Taliban, their leader and speak to them. This is a lunatic idea," Mujahid said by telephone from an unknown location.

Mujahid is one of two spokesman authorized to speak for the Taliban leadership council, headed by Mullah Mohammad Omar.

Look it is a rare occasion that I will find myself agreeing with the leaders of the Taliban, but if President Obama wants his administration to "find the Moderate Taliban", then I'm with the guy who wants to kill us on this one. The Moderate Taliban? The Taliban by definition is an extremist sect of the Muslim faith, so I'm guessing there aren't a lot of fence sitters at the meetings.

But why I am surprised at the Obama administrations response to the growing Taliban in Afghanistan? I shouldn't be, this is just another of Obama's "lunatic ideas"...The man has only been in office for a little over two months and he's already signed the Largest spending bills in the history of our Country.

Now that Obama has bought the Auto Industry, with Our Money, he's decided who should run it as well, so he basically fired GM CEO Rick Wagoner last week.

Politico reported:
The Obama administration asked Rick Wagoner, the chairman and CEO of General Motors, to step down and he agreed, a White House official said.

I'm not certain, I'm sure someone knows the answer... if you do help me out... Has the President of the United States ever fired an employee of Private Company before? Sounds like another Historical Moment in the Barack H. Obama Presidency...

After hearing about Obama's successful power grab, Barney Frank (D-MA) made a grab of his own and passed a bill through his committee that would allow the government to set the salaries of all employees of companies receiving federal funds. And when I say Government, I mean Turbo-Tax Tim Geithner. I bet those secretaries and single moms who work at AIG were Really overpaid, so I'm sure they'll still be "Well to Do".

It's not surprising then that the Tea Party Movement has gained so much momentum in the last month, as Americans watch the News only to find out that those in Power in Washington are spending our money faster than we can earn it on. Now They want to tell You How Much money you will be Allowed to Make as well. Only a Lunatic would support a plan like that.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Hot Reads: 5 Links You Might Have Missed


It's the campaign that never ends...Obama to attack GOP, again.

Team Obama has a new strategy, since by their own admission, the distraction created by attacking Rush Limbaugh didn't work as well as they had hoped, they are now Launching a new Advertising campaign to pigeon hole Republicans as the "Party of No" while selling Obama's Bloated Budget to the American People. Even though the Democratic controlled Congress and the Democratic President were able to easily pass into Law the "Generational Theft Act of 2009" Twice, even with Republican resistence. Team Obama and the DNC have formed a Committee including my Part Time Governor Tim Kaine, and will be airing Commercials mocking Republicans' for their efforts to protect Tax Payers.... Someone tell Obama the next election isn't for 3 years or so, and until then He will Actually have to Perform the Duties of President....

It's a Bird, It's a Plane..It's Michelle Obama!
Coming in April... a Michelle Obama comic book, capturing her rise to the White House, as part of their "Female Force" series honoring American Women. Previous honorees include Hillary Clinton and Sarah Palin, both of which resulted in Sold Out issues....Wonder if Michelle the Super Hero will be "Proud of her Country"....

Shocker! Ginsburg Hints At Opening in Supreme Court

Who didn't see this coming? Supreme Court Justice, Ruth Bader Ginsburg said Friday that the Court might be posing for a new picture "soon", something that is only done when a new Justice is appointed. The article hints at a possible replacing as many as three of the current "Liberal" judges under the current administration, so as to keep the "balance" on the Court...

Obama-Car About to Be Repossessed
The Chicago Sun Times is reporting, an Artist in Florida who painted her car to be a rolling representation of her Obama Love is about to be repossessed. The woman admits to not having made payments since late 2008, and when asked about what she thought President Obama's reaction to her current financial situation would be..."He'd say, 'I'm too busy. Let me solve the world's problems,'" she said." Well, I think she's got the first half right...

Malkin on Meghan McCain

Earlier this week, I posted an entry highlighting my frustrations with the Paris Hilton of the RNC, Meghan McCain. Michelle Malkin has a post up this morning, "The Trouble with Meghan McCain" where Malkin takes McCain to task for her recent public support of British VJ, Russell Brand. You might remember him, he's the one who Begged America to Vote for Barack Obama....

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Hot Reads: 5 Must See Links


You remember Joe Biden...

Evidently, they brought Joe Biden out of the media proof room they've been hiding him in, for a few moments, and as ABC News Jake Trapper reports, it didn't take long for him to say something inappropriate. Seems our new Vice President likes the "F-word" as much as our old Vice President. Who could forget the infamous footage of Dick Cheney dropping the F-bomb on the Senate floor? Some how I doubt the OLM will find Biden's gaffe (the 48th since taking office, by Trapper's count) to be as "newsworthy"....

Women of the Congo Speak Out

In this country we are told that the #1 problem facing Women is that Abortion on demand is not available. Reading the stories of the Women who survive in the Congo, make our issues in this country seem as trite as they really are. The article highlights a UN campaign to remove the taboo about speaking about sexual violence and rape in the war torn region, designed to encourage Women to tell their stories of survival, including one Woman that only lived through an attack on her family, because they thought she was Dead.

Katie Couric Wins Award for Palin interview?

No, not from the DNC directly, from another Media group, try to contain your surprise, but Ed Morrisey over at HotAir reported this morning that, "Katie Couric won USC Annenberg Norman Lear Center’s Walter Cronkite Award for her interview with Sarah Palin" (Editor's note: Every think you'd see all those names in the Same sentence?) According to the article Mr. Morrisey links to, "She was given the award for Special Achievement for National Impact on the 2008 Campaign." Oh, Katie Couric had an Impact on the Campaign alright, she Biased half of America against Sarah Palin. The only award the affable Eva Braun deserves for her interview with Governor Palin is for Best Editing....

Obama Rids Gitmo of Enemy Combatants, Whew!

The Pinkelephantpundit, Tabitha Hale wants you to know you can Relax, because there are No more enemy combatants, at least we're not allowed to call them that anymore. The Obama administration announced yesterday, that term would no longer be used to describe the "Detainees" (see how much better that sounds?) at Gitmo. I'm sure we don't want to hurt their self esteem....

Mr. Obama, Leave My Cheeseburger Alone
I have a feeling that my occasional craving for a Big Mac is about to become a Criminal offense. Obama announced in his weekly radio address: "Protecting the safety of our food and drugs is one of the most fundamental responsibilities government has," about creating his Food Safety Panel at the FDA. I know you are stunned, Obama has found a way to enlarge an already bloated government agency, but Dear Leader wants us to eat our Vegetables. I ask this all the time on Twitter, but What Doesn't Obama think is a "fundamental responsiblity of Government"? I think even Liberals should start to question The One, when they are no longer allowed their six dollar Lattes, because they contain too much caffeine...

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Hot Reads: 7 Links Shouldn't Miss


Obama: Okay so maybe I exaggerated a little on that whole Economic Crisis thing..
Just incase you missed the Screaming Drudge headline, Barack Obama said the Greatest Economic Crisis of Our Time isn't as bad as he made it out to be....Okay what he said was the "crisis isn't as bad as WE think." You want to know what I think, Mr. President? I think someone finally told you it's not a good idea for the Leader of the Free World, to go on TV everyday and Panic the public and the markets...I hope you listen to them...

Democrats Gave At the Office
Ann Coulter takes on the Democrats for their Hypocritical approach to "Charitable Giving" which apparently amounts to paying their taxes, but what Ms. Coulter wants to know is..."Are Hope and Change Still Tax Deductible?"

No Heroes In Hollywood?
If you are like me and can't bring yourself to pay a dollar to sit through another Anti-American "military" movie or Action flick then you need to swing by Big Hollywood where one contributor eloquently voices his greivances about the demonization of America in Movieland.

Black Women Being Ignored?
Breitbart is reporting that "Black Women are in No Mood to be ignored by the Mainstream Media" I can't say for sure, but it appears he's reprinted a Press Release from on very irritated group of Black Women. They want you to know, They ARE Mad as Hell, but NOT at Barack Obama. The ladies reference but do not name a OLM source that allegedly said Black women were unhappy with Barack. And that's just not true... They Heart Barack.

Rove to Team Obama: Grow Up
Karl Rove has done a pretty good job thus far of not Gloating over all the Team Obama mistakes, that's apparently all over now. Rove wrote a pointed piece for the Wall Street Journal, outlining all the embarrassing moves the President and his team have made recently....and more importantly Rove tries to explain Why.

Water Making PA Town Sick
Rueters is reporting that a small town outside Philly has registered complaints of varing stomach maladies, with all signs pointing to the recent drilling boom for Natural Gas. I mean everyone can light their tap water on fire can't they? What does Fast Eddie Rendell have to say about all of it "We are very scrupulous about whether it will have an effect on the groundwater," Governor, can you define scrupulous?

Ungrateful Useless UN
One of the Bloggers over at Politics and Critical Thinking, typed through gritted teeth about the UN Secretary General calling the United States "Deadbeats" during an address earlier this week.

Hot Reads: 5 Links You Must See

Today's Hot Reads

Will Justice finally come to Bill Ayers?
The San Franscico Police Union apparently got tired of Bill Ayer's "Mock the Vote Tour" and have Publicly accused Bill Ayers for the killing of a fellow officer in 1970, according to the Ayers has said repeatedly he doesn't regret his actions and wishes they would have done more...

Maybe not the Best Interview evah, but funny..
Andrew Breitbart called this interview with Thadeus McCotter the "Best interview by a Congressman ever", that might be an overstatement but the Republican from Michigan certainly appears more human and humorous than most in DC.

Obama Gaffe Blog?
I knew the RNC had a Joe Biden Gaffe clock going during the election season, but just today I came across a blog that is dedicated to tracking Obama's "gaffes" only some of them are more like Lies.....

Free Elections for another Year?
The Iowa Independent is reporting that Chuck Grassley said "Check Card" isn't happening under his watch, apparently Grassley has said the Votes are there for the Republicans to Filibuster this Heavy Handed Union Power grab bill... Let's hope he is right.

and finally...

Carvelle Wanted Bush to Fail on 9/11
This actually broke yesterday, but shockingly, I haven't seen any OLM coverage of it. Allahpundit over at Hotair, has the story of what America wasn't supposed to know...about Democratic Strategist James Carvelle's September 11th Press Conference, called to announce their desire for George W. Bush to Fail...(honestly, Mary Maitlin must be some kind of saint...)

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Lessons from The Ant and The Grasshopper

You've heard the fable about the Ant and the Grasshopper, it's the one that is supposed to teach you the Value of hard work and the need to save for a 'rainy day'. Well it occurred to me the other day, that under the current Government, that Fable no longer really holds water. Proving that it's very difficult to have a Truly original thought, when I started "researching" (and by researching I mean 'Googling') this topic, I found that I was a few years behind the curve...

The Ant and Grasshopper, on of Aesop's Fables was originally recorded in Greek, but has since be translated into many languages, as has the meaning and moral changed through out the years. Even in the early versions the ending seemed to soften over the years...

1484 Of the Ant and of the sygale
And therfore there is one tyme for to doo some labour and werk / And one tyme for to haue rest / For he that werketh not ne doth no good / shal haue ofte at his teeth grete cold and lacke at his nede

Okay, clearly we don't speak or write like this anymore, but you get the idea. "For he that worketh No, He Does No Good. And if he's a Do-Nothing, He's going find himself cold, starving and on his own." Pretty clear message. Notice anything different from the story you've probably been told? Maybe you'll catch it in the 1894 Version:
When the winter came the Grasshopper had no food and found itself dying of hunger, while it saw the ants distributing every day corn and grain from the stores they had collected in the summer. Then the Grasshopper knew:

It is best to prepare for the days of necessity.

Figure out what's different? The Ant doesn't step in and help out the Grasshopper. The moral of the story is Work hard, save up, so you can take care or yourself. It wasn't until the 1930's when Disney got their hands on the story that the popular "happy" ending, where the Ant offers the Grasshopper a helping hand is added to the tale. I think you can see where I'm going with this...

The Original Political re-write was done by Jim Quinn in the 1990's...enjoy!

The Original
The ant busts his ass in the withering heat all summer long, building his house and laying up supplies for the winter. The grasshopper thinks he's a fool and laughs and dances and plays the summer away. Come winter the ant is warm and well fed. The grasshopper has no food or shelter so he dies out in the cold.

The New Liberal Version

It starts out the same but when winter comes the shivering grasshopper calls a press conference and demands to know why the ant should be allowed to be warm and well fed while others are cold and starving. CBS, NBC, and ABC show up and show pictures of the shivering grasshopper next to film of the ant in his comfortable home with a table filled with food.

America is stunned by the sharp contrast. How can it be, in a country of such wealth that this poor grasshopper is allowed to suffer so? Then a representative of the NAAGB (The National Association of Green Bugs) shows up on Night Line and charges the ant with "Green Bias" and makes the case that the grasshopper is the victim of 30 million years of greenism. Kermit the frog appears on Oprah with the grasshopper and everybody cries when he sings "It's Not Easy Being Green."

Bill and Hillary Clinton make a special guest appearance on the CBS evening news and tell a concerned Dan Rather That they will do everything they can for the grasshopper who has been denied the prosperity he deserves by those who benefited unfairly during the summer, or as Bill refers to it, the "Temperatures Of The 80's".

Finally the EEOC drafts the "Economic Equity and Anti-Greenism Act" RECTRO-ACTIVE to the beginning of the summer. The ant is fined for failing to hire a proportionate number of green bugs and having nothing left to pay his Retro-Active taxes, his home is confiscated by the government.

The story ends as we see the grasshopper finishing up the last bits of the ant's food while the government house he's in....which just happens to be the ant's old house.... crumbles around him since he doesn't know how to maintain it. The ant has disappeared in the snow. And on the TV; which the grasshopper bought by selling most of the ant's food, Bill Clinton is standing before a wildly applauding group of Democrats announcing that a new era of "Fairness" has dawned in America.

Well that certainly does seem a little more realistic than Aesop's version in today's political environment. Mr. Quinn may have been wildly ahead of his time...

In 2003, not to be out done, one of the most famous black female authors, Toni Morrison brought the World her version of the legendary tale. Apparently Ms. Morrison thought that the Grasshopper has gotten a bad rap for all these years, as a lazy do nothing. In her book "Who got Game, the Ant or the Grasshopper?", the Grasshopper was an Artist who inspired the Ant to work by playing him music.

A synopsis of Morrison's Fable provided by Barnes and Noble:

In "Who's Got Game?: The Grasshopper or the Ant?," Kid A, the ant, and Foxy G, his grasshopper pal, don't see eye-to-eye on their work ethic. But Grasshopper's artistic dreams may have listeners pondering what it means to give and take.

Well there you have it. You can't Have Dreams and Work Hard, silly. If you are a hard worker, you must be too stupid to have dreams or to be artistic. And Artistic people just Can't work, it destroys their creative flow, dontcha know? ;) Nevermind that this country was built on the back of the Worker Ants, you know the one's that buy the Art?

Why am I not surprised to find a Liberal rewritting the story, to make a Victim out of the Lazy grasshopper?

Leave it to my girl, Michelle Malkin to bring this classic tale to life in 2008, in a September column inspired by the first round of Bail-out Mania...unfortunately it's even more true today...

The Ant and the Grasshopper 2008 Edition by Michelle Malkin

In a meadow on a hot summer’s day, a Grasshopper was chirping and carousing his time away. He watched scornfully as an Ant nearby struggled to store up large kernels of food and build a secure nest. The Ant pulled overtime shifts to pay off his loans and accumulate retirement funds for the future.

“Give it a rest,” the Grasshopper said. “Why bother saving and slaving and toiling and moiling? Let’s party!” The Ant demurred: “I am planning ahead for winter and you should do the same.” The Grasshopper blew off the Ant, squandered his supplies the rest of the season, and abandoned his home while on vacation (paid for by tapping every last cent of his home equity gain) instead of holding down a job.

When winter came, the Grasshopper’s pantry was empty and his shelter ruined from neglect. The Ant, weary from planting, harvesting, and stocking up for months, was dining comfortably in his nest.

Cold, hungry, jobless, facing foreclosure, and up to his two pairs of eyeballs in debt, the Grasshopper limped to the Association of Community Winged Insects for Rescue Now and demanded recourse. The office was swamped with thousands just like him. ACWIRN immediately put the Grasshopper to work registering dead ants as new voters.

Funded with tax dollars from the rest of the meadow’s residents, ACWIRN organized mass protests at the Bank of Antamerica, ambushed its top officials at their private homes, harassed their children, and demanded that the meadow’s politicians halt all foreclosures (”We must keep Grasshoppers in their houses!”) and outlaw discriminatory lending practices against starving, homeless Grasshoppers (”Well-stocked shelters are basic insect rights!”)

The banking industry capitulated; the Orthoptera Lobby secured hundreds of millions of dollars in housing earmarks and grants and counseling subsidies to support the Grasshoppers with the shadiest credit and employment histories. Antie Mae, the meadow’s government-backed home lending giant, fueled the push for increased insect homeownership in the name of biodiversity. Its executives cooked the books and headed for the hills. Katie Cricket and the Mainstream Meadow Media joined the grievance-for-profit circus, profiling Grasshopper sob stories and drumming up ratings as bewildered Ants wondered who was looking out for them.

The banks drowned in toxic debt. More Grasshoppers fell behind on their mortgage payments. Bailout mania and panic gripped the meadow.

Our little Ant, minding his own business, heard a knock on his door one late winter night a year later. It was his old, sneering Grasshopper neighbor. With ACWIRN’s presidential candidate, Barack Cicada, now in office, the Grasshopper had been hired by the meadow as a tax collector.

“I’m here to take your provisions,” the Grasshopper cackled.

But it was the Ant who had the last laugh. “I’ve learned my lesson,” he told his shiftless friend. “Why bother saving and slaving and toiling and moiling? I’ve spent all my savings. I’m walking away from my mortgage. Thrift is for suckers,” the Ant said as he headed out the door, leaving the Grasshopper empty-handed.

While I realize that most of my readers are more like the hard working, Ant. Michelle Malkin brings up the crucial point, with 401K's dropping over 50% in some cases, Taxes going through the roof, and Pres. Obama spending our Money faster than He can steal it from our Paychecks.. How long do you think it will be before all the Worker Ants of America, say "Screw it." I'm going to chill with the Grasshopper?

7 "Hot Reads": Links You Need to See

Decided to try something new this morning, "Hot Reads",links to articles and columns that you can look to, if you're under pressure to find cool info in a short time. I'll try and deliver some unique links, that you might not find elsewhere. Feel free to send me ideas if you want me to continue this....I can't wait to hear what you think...

Today's Hot Reads

Doug Patton over at lays it out in plain language in his column, "GOP Will Gladly Take Rush, If the Dems Claim Soros"

So maybe the Brits are starting to think Bush wasn't so Bad after all...The Times UK reports that it's "incredibly difficult" to communicate with Obama Administration.

GatewayPundit answers the Question: What ever Happened to all those people who orchestrated the "Troopergate" Hoax?

Liberal Icon, Camille Paglia is fed up with Obama's "posse of smirky, smart alecs".... and is the second in so many days to warn Obama about becoming a One Term President

North Carolina, Democrat Charlie Albertson wants to "Socialize" Athletics and enforce a Ban on All athletics in underperforming school districts, Maybe Albertson's never heard of an Athletic Scholarship, I bet the kids in those neighborhoods have.

Kyle-Ann Shiver, one of my favorite contributors over at American Thinker, works on some Campaign slogans for 2012, including "I'll have a whack at it." and one that I think has real potential with the Youth Vote: "Obama lied; hope died" in her column that wonders "Voters Obama Follie Coming Home to Roost"

And this last one really gets me in the Heart, as a Hip Hop Fan myself. The Insider at the LA Times takes on the bizarre new twist in the Rhianna and Chris Brown fiasco. The two are reportedly going to record a Duet about the night that Chris Brown Beat Rhianna in His Car, "to capitalize on the emotions" of the two. This is not Romantic, This is Domestic Violence.

Monday, March 9, 2009

Are Meghan McCain's 15 Minutes Up Yet?

Meghan McCain is following in her father's Media darling footsteps, by doing what the OLM loves Republicans to do criticize the party. Once again Meghan McCain, the RNC's own Paris Hilton, takes great pride in being called a RINO.... Only by her own admission, she was never really a Republican in the first place... Now the Bloggette has decided she's all grown up and is taking on Conservatives and has called out Ann Coulter by name in her recent column at the Daily Beast, "My Beef With Ann Coulter".

McCain writes:
It is no secret that being a Republican isn’t the most hip political stance a person can take right now. President Obama has successfully established himself as the hippest politician around. You know you’re big when Katy Perry wears a dress with your face on it to host the MTV Europe Music Awards. To my fellow Republicans: I’m sorry, I wish I could be more positive about the current “hipness” of our party. But being a Republican is about as edgy as Donny Osmond. Granted, being “hip” is not a reason to join a political party, or a reason to agree with its ideals. But it is a way to get the attention of a generation—or, more specifically, my generation.

What was she thinking when she said Hillary Clinton was more conservative than my father during the last election?

To make matters worse, certain individuals continue to perpetuate negative stereotypes about Republicans. Especially Republican women. Who do I feel is the biggest culprit? Ann Coulter. I straight up don’t understand this woman or her popularity. I find her offensive, radical, insulting, and confusing all at the same time. But no matter how much you or I disagree with her, the cult that follows Coulter cannot be denied. She is a New York Times best-selling author and one of the most notable female members of the Republican Party. She was one of the headliners at the recent CPAC conference (but when your competition is a teenager who has a dream about the Republican Party and Stephen Baldwin, it’s not really saying that much).

Coulter's most aggregious offense appears to be stating that Hillary was more Conservative than Meghan's Dad. Coulter's superb use of hyperbole aside, this statement wouldn't have matter if Mitt Romney was on the Ticket. This leaves me with just one question, Who the Hell Cares What Meghan McCain thinks? The girl voted for John Kerry.

Yes. John Kerry. Even 10% of registered Democrats couldn't bring themselves to vote for the helmet headed traitor, but it didn't stop lil' Meghan McCain the Maverick! Kerry testified against his Fellow American soldiers, calling them rapists and murderers. Most Americans were offended by Kerry's tossing of another's awarded ribbons, while clinging to his own for political gain. But not Meghan McCain, even though her father, John McCain is one of the most famous Vietnam Veterans, and certainly our most documented Prisoner of War. Apparently that didn't bother, the younger McCain as much as the media generated rumors surrounding George W. Bush and the 2000 election. Bothered me. Of course I actually read the Swift Boat Veterans book, maybe she should just ask her Dad.

After watching Meghan McCain run to any microphone to "Confess" she voted for Kerry, just after her Dad won the primary, she also wanted the World to know that she wasn't like 'Other Republicans'...She told the LA Times she was an Independent, while Politico reports she may have actually been a Democrat in 2004.

During the election, Meghan portrayed herself to any and all media outlets as the Young face of the McCain campaign, thus the GOP. She wrote on her blog, did numerous interviews for both TV and Print. She wrote a Children's book about her Dad. Meghan was the talk to the Town for most of the campaign season, she brought a spot of excitement to her father's Dull campaign. That was until September, when America met Sarah Palin, no longer was Meghan McCain the only girl at the Dance. I'm guessing that's when the trouble started, and of course the leaks...Even the very liberal Wonkette questioned McCain's antics in her piece... "Is Meghan McCain Cool or Just a Brat?"

Post election, Ms. McCain has forcefully remained mum on the Sarah Palin stories...telling several interviewers that she wouldn't discuss the matter...Hmmm, Do I smell a Book deal in the Works? The Princess of Political Media Whoredom is probably scribbling notes with smiley faces as you read this, about the "totally uncool way that Palin took her spotlight"....

And in this no doubt pending Book release we can glean such insights as

Republican party has to have a message that's simple that goes out. Hope and change was something that really stuck with my generation. It's something that's on bumper stickers and t-shirts. And it's something that was easy for people to understand.
as Reported by Polito from an ABC interview

Meghan thinks it's all about being "Hip", and she doesn't think the GOP is. Therefore she feels the need to assure everyone...'I'm not like them..., I'm cool!' In an interview with GQ magazine, McCain attempted up her "Hipness Quotatient"by expressing her love for the Morally corrupt MTV show, Tila Tequila.

From the article...
On TV she’s currently riveted by MTV’s A Shot at Love with Tila Tequila. “It’s a bisexual-dating show!” she cries. “It’s hilarious!”

(It is taking great restraint not to go off on a tangent about my issues with Tila Tequila and shows like it on MTV, suffice it to say the target demographic for MTV is Teens ages 12-17 and I don't think programming soley focused on Sexuality (Hetro,Homo or Bi) is appropriate. Putting soap box away now.)

With Meghan McCains insatiable desire to hang out with the Cool Crowd in Political Circles, it wouldn't surprise me to find a "Yes,We Can!" sticker on her car, a hybrid, no doubt. In all of Ms. McCain's chattering she has given us one piece of advice that is worth following...

In a rare moment of maturity, McCain wrote:
I am not suggesting that extreme conservatism wasn’t once popular, nor am I suggesting I should in any way be any kind of voice for the party. I have been a Republican for less than a year.

Here's a Novel idea, Ms. McCain, if you don't want to be a "voice", then Stop Talking. I'm certain Meghan McCain will join Kathleen Parker, on the short list of the OLM's favorite Republicans, but I'm hoping her 15 minutes are almost up....